Mindray DC88
What is Ultrasound? Ultrasound is the use of sound waves to see inside the body.
Is there Radiation? No, Ultrasound is not like X-ray or CT scans.
Why do we use ultrasound? We use it to detect things like masses, blood flow abnormalities, muscle injuries and what level of disease is in your body.
What will I feel? You will only feel the gel and the probe on your body.
What will I hear? Sometimes you will hear gentle swishing noises.
How do I prepare for the exam? Not every ultrasound exam needs a preparation. For some exam you will need to drink 8-16oz. of water and hold the urine. For some exams you will be asked not to eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to the exam.
Will the ultrasound hurt? Most exams do not hurt. If we are looking at an area that has had an operation then you may feel some discomfort.
Will there be needles? Generally no.
Will there be medicines given? No. You may be asked to bring your medicines with you.